Sincerity is the key to honest communication
I’m fond of stating that the truth will set you free. Also, suggesting that
everything starts with self and what we give out we get back tenfold.
Expanding on that concerns sincerity, which emanates from directly speaking
the truth. There are no excuses, no half-truths; only words that we believe to
be true. The words we choose to utter in this manner are not an attempt to
conceal, manipulate or confuse an issue, but merely an expression of who we are
and how we view the world.
Sincerity is not veiled in deception, criticism or finding fault. Sincerity
is our cloak of honesty, bereft of criticism and gossip, allowing ourselves to
be authentic and accepted for who we are rather than attempting to fool others
by pretending to be what we are not. There are no motives when we are sincere;
simply a natural expression of honesty from which we feel comfortable and are
able to better accept ourselves.
People know where they stand with sincere individuals and feel able to open
up in conversation because there is no fear of reprisal or betrayal. Sincerity
is stored in emotional intelligence, which resides in the heart, not the head.
Speaking from the heart is true communication, not veiled in misleading innuendo
with an intention to misrepresent the facts.
Mutual respect is formed by this openness and trust then ensues. For example,
I never agree to coach a potential client until I’ve met him or her face to
face. They might not like me and I might not feel comfortable with them. It
takes two to tango, and the dance of sincere communication is all important for
coach and coachee.
Cultivating a habit of walking your talk or simply saying what you mean and
meaning what you say requires being sincere in the language you choose to use.
Often, silence can be deafening because at times, it is simply powerful and
doesn’ t require words that could be misinterpreted or even misleading.
Sincerity reveals genuine feelings and people recognise this by attaching
labels to the sincere individual as credible, believable, honest and reliable.
If we were all to develop the art of sincerity, I feel the world would be in
better shape, and peace might prevail.
Expanding on that concerns sincerity, which emanates from directly speaking the truth. There are no excuses, no half-truths; only words that we believe to be true. The words we choose to utter in this manner are not an attempt to conceal, manipulate or confuse an issue, but merely an expression of who we are and how we view the world.
Sincerity is not veiled in deception, criticism or finding fault. Sincerity is our cloak of honesty, bereft of criticism and gossip, allowing ourselves to be authentic and accepted for who we are rather than attempting to fool others by pretending to be what we are not. There are no motives when we are sincere; simply a natural expression of honesty from which we feel comfortable and are able to better accept ourselves.
People know where they stand with sincere individuals and feel able to open up in conversation because there is no fear of reprisal or betrayal. Sincerity is stored in emotional intelligence, which resides in the heart, not the head. Speaking from the heart is true communication, not veiled in misleading innuendo with an intention to misrepresent the facts.
Mutual respect is formed by this openness and trust then ensues. For example, I never agree to coach a potential client until I’ve met him or her face to face. They might not like me and I might not feel comfortable with them. It takes two to tango, and the dance of sincere communication is all important for coach and coachee.
Cultivating a habit of walking your talk or simply saying what you mean and meaning what you say requires being sincere in the language you choose to use. Often, silence can be deafening because at times, it is simply powerful and doesn’ t require words that could be misinterpreted or even misleading.
Sincerity reveals genuine feelings and people recognise this by attaching labels to the sincere individual as credible, believable, honest and reliable. If we were all to develop the art of sincerity, I feel the world would be in better shape, and peace might prevail.