Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Turth Will Set You Free ~

Sincerity is the key to honest communication

I’m fond of stating that the truth will set you free. Also, suggesting that everything starts with self and what we give out we get back tenfold.
Expanding on that concerns sincerity, which emanates from directly speaking the truth. There are no excuses, no half-truths; only words that we believe to be true. The words we choose to utter in this manner are not an attempt to conceal, manipulate or confuse an issue, but merely an expression of who we are and how we view the world.
Sincerity is not veiled in deception, criticism or finding fault. Sincerity is our cloak of honesty, bereft of criticism and gossip, allowing ourselves to be authentic and accepted for who we are rather than attempting to fool others by pretending to be what we are not. There are no motives when we are sincere; simply a natural expression of honesty from which we feel comfortable and are able to better accept ourselves.
People know where they stand with sincere individuals and feel able to open up in conversation because there is no fear of reprisal or betrayal. Sincerity is stored in emotional intelligence, which resides in the heart, not the head. Speaking from the heart is true communication, not veiled in misleading innuendo with an intention to misrepresent the facts.
Mutual respect is formed by this openness and trust then ensues. For example, I never agree to coach a potential client until I’ve met him or her face to face. They might not like me and I might not feel comfortable with them. It takes two to tango, and the dance of sincere communication is all important for coach and coachee.
Cultivating a habit of walking your talk or simply saying what you mean and meaning what you say requires being sincere in the language you choose to use. Often, silence can be deafening because at times, it is simply powerful and doesn’ t require words that could be misinterpreted or even misleading.
Sincerity reveals genuine feelings and people recognise this by attaching labels to the sincere individual as credible, believable, honest and reliable. If we were all to develop the art of sincerity, I feel the world would be in better shape, and peace might prevail.

Why do we hurt the ones we love ~

Why do we hurt the ones we love? Everyone is guilty of doing this at one point or another. We all have done this. I just can't figure out why. There is not a clear cut answer the reasons are as different as we are, each situation and with each person is unique.

I was told once, that we always hurt the ones we love and trust because we always trust that they will love us back . We can basically be selfish and stupid and cruel sometimes. We easily can begin to think only  about us and our needs. We can easily come to take them for granted, which is a very dangerous thing to do.

I don't think it is always intentional or conscious, but because of the close emotional connection and tie, what we do that might not bother a friend as much or a stranger at all, can be devastating to someone to whom we are the closest in every area of our life. I think those we love are so much more vulnerable and easily hurt that if our intention is to get a reaction and really hurt someone deeply, they are unfortunately a close target and easier to hurt than a stranger.

Sometimes we do it because we hurt before we can be hurt. this happens because of our own fears and insecurities. Believing the lie that we are not good enough, we don't deserve the person we are with, and they will soon realize it too. We might think we are going to lose them anyway, and we might as well go ahead and get it over. We try to be proactive and beat them to the punch. We figure if we walk away first it won't hurt as much. For example, I have been through times where I thought I was just an inconvenience to someone I cared about. Or when I was causing problems at home, and would argue with my parents. I begin feeling that I'm not good enough for them and I don't make them happy , angry and frustrated with ourselves. We think we don't deserve anything good, so we aim at the good things we have in life and unconsciously try to destroy them.

At times like these, I've said mean and hurtful things that I didn't mean at all, do I do it as a way of testing how much my they loved me or not? Maybe I wanted to see just how far I could push them away and if they would leave. Maybe I was trying to give them plenty of reasons to leave. I wanted to give them full permission to leave me but not feel guilty about it or blame themselves about it. Rather, they could just blame me for being so hateful by saying such mean things. But the simple truth is in trying to hurt them, we try in fact to hurt ourselves
We expect too much from them. We nurture the secret hope that they can help us, that they can do all the things we are not capable of doing; moreover, that they have to do them, because of the love we invest in them. When they don' t, we feel disappointed and the natural instinct is to make them regret it. They are the ones who have the courage to be honest and tell us the truth, even when it hurts. And even though we know it is the truth, it still hurts and the pain can cause irreversible reactions.

We feel misunderstood. We wish they could make a journey inside our head and see things the way we see them, just because we think it is the right way. We simply can't understand why they think differently and how they can miss something that seems so simple and obvious to us.

We love them but in the same time we hate them because they know our weaknesses and there's no way we can hide. The mask we wear in relation with other people is put aside and all the things we usually try to hide come to the surface.

We may hurt them to give them comfort later. We all have the inner need to cuddle, to protect the ones we love and we feel we have the right to hurt them for the very reason that we love them so much and we'll make up for it later. There in lays the basis for the statement  ,making up is so much fun.

We trust them and we mistakenly believe deep in our hearts that, no matter what we do, they won't stop loving us. We feel safe to take our frustrations on them because we think there will be no consequences. We hurt them most of the times because they let us hurt them. But from personal experience, people have a breaking point, there is a spot, a line we cross, and a point at which they will walk away.

Yes, we love them dearly but there are things about them that annoy us terribly and we know we're never going to be able to change them. It's like living with our own body. Sometimes it is a blessing, other times a nuisance. Sometimes it gives us a lot of satisfaction, other times it drives us mad, but there is not much we can do about it cause it's ours.

How can people sometimes say such cruel things to their loved one's partner or best friend or parent or sibling? They treat strangers so much nicer. Why are we much more polite with people we don't know than we are to the people that we need?

When there people out there that actually TRY to make someone feel miserable, and they feel good about doing so. What a miserable existence.

We all experience various degrees of emotional hurt and trauma growing up. Unfortunately, we form part of our identities around whatever we experience, be it love, distance, drama, or verbal or physical abuse. As adults, we may feel most alive or most like ourselves when we are feeling the same way we did as children, and so we may do things unconsciously to get our partner to trigger those feelings. For example, a person who grew up with a lot of distance may feel uncomfortable with closeness, and may sabotage it by picking fights or avoiding intimacy. Or a person who grew up in a chaotic, dramatic home may be uncomfortable with harmony and quiet and always seem to trigger chaos or drama in their relationships.

But what we may not realize though, is that this person that we fall love has the perfect tools and personality to emotionally re-create our childhood hurts. After the initial attraction wears off and we are in a deeper, committed relationship, their fears (and ours) often get activated. And when they get afraid, they will strike out in exactly the same way that our parents or caretakers did. The result? We get wounded again. Only now its worse, because the very person who we hoped could give us the love we never got, is hurting us. Not because they ˜love us most of all , but because they are unaware of their own unconscious defenses.

So what can we do to stop hurting the one we love?

We all have to take responsibility for getting clear and resolving our own emotional hurts from the past. We need to learn how to make it safe for our partners to express how they feel. We need to learn how to create a loving presence where we genuinely listen and validate our partners experience. We need to learn how to express feelings in ways that bring us closer, not in ways that create more distance and hurt.

We may need to do some work together to understand how and why we trigger each other to lash out in hurtful and destructive ways. We need to respect the fact that in an committed relationship, we have access to the most private and vulnerable aspects of each other's lives. We need to treat that as a sacred privilege that we relate to with the utmost respect, not as an entitlement to trample upon for our own ego gratification. We can't make ourselves look good at their expense. We can't use those intimate secrets, their weaknesses and vulnerabilities at weapons when angry or frustrated. Those secrets should be maintained even if we are no longer with our loved one. Our responsibility and our implied promise to hold their most intimate thoughts are not released simply because we are no longer a in the same type of relationship.

Are we totally blind to the pain that our words may cause? I don't think so, so then why do we do it? We need to use words that build up and not tear down the other person.

We are all on a journey of discovering who we are, and intimate relationships provide us with a powerful opportunity to see ourselves and our psychological and spiritual lessons more clearly. We can hide from ourselves, from our therapists, from our bodies, from our spiritual teachers and from our friends, but we cannot hide from the one we love and who loves us. All of our stuff will eventually come to light through this mysterious and wonderful process we call love.

If a relationship becomes abusive, verbally or physically, and or the relationship begins to put our well being in jeopardy it is not considered running away, it's more like escaping. We need to do this for our own self-preservation. You need to set personal boundaries, express them, and stand by them, when necessary, don't let the other person control who you are, don't let them diminish or prevent you from fulfilling God's purpose for your life. But don't expect the other person to know what you're thinking, you need to communicate your boundaries and you expectations, or they will not be aware of them. You should never lose yourself in the relationship. Above all else be true to yourself.
If we look deeply we may clearly see that any part of ourselves that hurts others is simply a part of ourselves that needs more love.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Monday Play Date !

Monday Play Date

When one baby cries,
so does the other,
a true sign of solidarity
from the miniature friends
in the room, and
the moms smile and console
as they calm the room down
with a song and a dance ..
Only one week apart , they are sure to be friends ~

Monday, November 5, 2012

Psalm 19

Psalm 19

A Psalm in praise of God's creation, and in praise of His Holy Word, our Bible.

1. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the great area of the sky shows his handywork.

2. Day after day, and night after night, they speak to us, and show knowledge.

3. There is no language where their voice is not heard.

4. They are throughout all the earth, and their words go to the end of the world. In them he has set a place for the sun,

5. Which is like a bridegroom coming out of his room, and as happy as a strong man about to run a race.

6. He goes from one end of heaven to the other, and nothing is hid from the heat of it.

7. The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, and makes wise the simple.

8. The statutes of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, giving light to the eyes.

9. The fear of the LORD is clean, lasting for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.

10. They are more to be desired than gold, and they are sweeter than honey or the honeycomb.

11. Even more, by them is your servant warned: and in keeping them, there is great reward.

12. Who can understand his errors? cleanse me from secret faults.

13. Keep your servant from sins of being too confident; let them not have authority over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.

14. Let the words of my mouth, and the things my heart dwells upon, be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.


In this psalm, David is telling us about two great things that speak to us of the Lord God. The first of these great things is His creation, the heavens and the sky where the stars and the sun are. David says that these things speak to us, no matter what our language, they speak to everyone in the whole earth. Do you ever look at the stars with wonder at their beauty? Do you see how they are arranged in order? That is how they speak to us. Because God created them, they are not there by chance.

David speaks of the sun, that is as brilliant as a bridegroom about to be married. He tells us that the sun goes throughout the whole earth, and nothing is hid from the heat of it.

Then David tells us about the word of God. When David wrote this psalm, the bible as we know it didn't exist, but there were books of God's law and commandments and history that David could read and learn from. And David tells us that God's law is perfect, converting a person. That means that a person can read the bible, and believe what it says, and receive the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. It makes simple people wise, it gives us a happy heart, and it is pure, gives us understanding. "giving light to the eyes" means understanding. David says that the word of God is more to be desired than gold, and that it is sweeter than honey. 

And lastly, David asks that the Lord keep him from being too confident and sinning because of it. Because he knows that by following the teachings of God's word he will be innocent. And then David asks that his words, and the thoughts of his heart, will be acceptable to the Lord, his strength and his redeemer. Again David shows us his personal relationship with the Lord.

Vicki C. Gross

OK ....IT"S Time ~



The single most important issue in this election is ending the national nightmare of Obamacare.
If Obamacare is not stopped, it will permanently change the political culture of this country. There will be no going back. America will become a less productive, less wealthy nation. What wealth remains will have to be plowed into Obamacare - to the delight only of the tens of thousands of government bureaucrats administering it.
There won't be one moment marking the end of America. Everything will just gradually get worse, like trains and the tax code, until a bustling, prosperous nation is as distant a memory as pleasurable train travel and one-page tax returns.
The reason we have Obamacare is not because the public was clamoring for the federal government to take over health care. It's because the Democrats had 60 senators. In the frozen ideology of the left, it doesn't matter if anyone wants government health care.
Democrats had been waiting around for 50 years to win huge majorities in the House and Senate and the presidency, so they could check off this box on "FDR's Unfinished Business."
Unlike all other major legislation in the nation's history, Obamacare was passed exclusively by one party that had just won an aberrationally large majority in Congress. Not a single Republican in either the House or Senate voted for it.
Republicans have passed legislation on such partisan votes, too, but never something that would fundamentally change the lives of every living American. Nationalizing one-sixth of the economy is not the kind of thing that should be passed by one party sneering, "Ha, ha - we have 60 votes!"
As soon as all Americans have been thrown off their employer-provided insurance plans and are forced to start depending on the government for health care, Republicans will never be able to repeal it.
The private insurance market will be gone. Most Americans won't be able to conceive of getting health care that doesn't come from the government - just as people in the Soviet Union couldn't imagine how they'd get bread if the government didn't provide it.
(Also similar to Communist systems, you'll have to know someone in power to get decent medical care.)
A powerful health care Leviathan will arise, composed of self-paced, well-pensioned, unionized government workers who will manage our health care from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., except federal holidays, sick days, mental health days and in bad weather. (The day after Hurricane Sandy, everything was open on the mostly unaffected Upper East Side of New York <0x2014> but not the post office.)
This new phalanx of government workers will spend the bulk of their time campaigning to ensure the election of more Democrats who promise to lessen their workload and increase their benefits. Even Republicans will have to run for office promising only to enlarge Obamacare. Newt Gingrich will be calling plans to alter Obamacare "right-wing social engineering."
The Democrats' idea for funding their endless government programs is always the same: Tax the rich, and just keep taxing them, no matter how high taxes have to be raised. One thing all such people have in common is that they've never had a real job, meaning a job from which you can be fired. Not Bernie Sanders, not Barack Obama, not Joe Biden, not Chuck Schumer and on and on.
Such people simply cannot grasp that doubling tax rates will not double government revenues because people won't work as hard for half the money. Their ideas about tax policy will put America on a high-speed train to government deficits rivaling Greece. We'll be a country with no military, no wealth and no hope.
Even before the train wreck of Obamacare, health care was half-a-disaster because that's the percentage of medical care in this country that was already provided by the government - via Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans hospitals and other public hospitals.
In 2008, a single county in Florida - Miami-Dade - received more money in Medicare home health care payments than the entire rest of the country combined. This continued throughout the entire year and was finally noticed by our Department of Health and Human Services in December 2009.
Do you think it would take a private insurer two years to catch onto the fact that health care claims coming from a single county in Florida were larger than the rest of the country combined?
Lifelong politicians haven't the first idea what an efficient, operating system would even look like. If only we had a presidential candidate who had spent his life working in the private sector ...
The way to fix health care is to take as much as possible away from the government and give it to the private sector. It is a universal law of nature that everything run by the government gets worse and more expensive over time - the postal service, airport security and Amtrak. Everything run by the private sector gets better and cheaper over time - cellphones, computers, hair products, dishwashers, etc.
You know who specializes in rescuing failing enterprises and making things work? Mitt Romney.
Contrary to ignorant slanders about Romney's private sector work, his specialty was not buying thriving companies and stripping them for parts. Rather, the Bain Capital model was to take companies that were on the verge of collapse - about to cut all jobs, pensions and health care for their workers - and save the business.
Romney is the Red Adair of his profession. He's like a doctor who specializes in multiple gunshot wounds or an oncologist who takes only Stage 4 cancer patients. Yes, there were layoffs, but also lots and lots of jobs, profit, success, efficiency, saved businesses and saved lives.
Romney will be the most accomplished incoming president since Dwight Eisenhower.
Not only has Romney promised to issue a 50-state waiver from Obamacare on his first day in office and then seek a formal repeal and replacement, but he'll know how to do it. The savior of dying companies will fix health care in this country so that no Democrat will be able to wreck it again.
The only way to rid ourselves of this national poison pill, set to destroy both health care and the nation at large, is to elect Mitt Romney our next president.

The Light Of The World ~

The Light of the World
Jesus preached three sermons in which he declared Himself the “light of the world,” and all three could have been during Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights.
(It is not clear from the text when this incident happened, but it was some time between the Feast of Tabernacles and the Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah); both of these celebrations focused on light).
Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the light with you. Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you: for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth. While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light. These things spake Jesus, and departed, and did hide himself from them (John 12:35-36).
Just before Jesus announced that He was the Light of the world, Jesus had shone upon the conscience of those who accused the adulteress. Read the story in John Chapter 8.
John also records Jesus healing a blind man (9:1-12) at about the same time (8:12 and 9:5) that Jesus declared himself to be the Light of the world.
When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay, And said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam, He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing (John 9:5-7).

Hanukkah ~

Hanukkah is not a “substitute Christmas.” It is a valid, albeit minor, Jewish holiday that commemorates the victory that the Maccabees had over the tyrannical Antiochus Epiphanes, and the subsequent cleansing and rededication of the Temple. The account is found in the apocryphal writings, Maccabees. Although it is not one of the feasts directly commanded by God, it was observed even before the time of Christ, and is mentioned in John 10:22 and 23.
Hanukkah is also known as the Festival of Lights. The reason why lights play such an important role in the holiday observance is that they commemorate the legendary miraculous provision of holy oil with which the lampstand was rekindled at the rededication of the Altar.
As to the giving of gifts, this means of expressing joy finds its precedent in the Book of Esther, the Scriptural basis for another of the minor Jewish holidays, Purim. There the Jews sent gifts to one another as they rejoiced at the defeat of Haman’s plot to destroy them. Despite this precedent, however, it’s a safe guess that the idea of gift giving gained momentum within the Jewish community in direct reaction to the commercialization of Christmas by the Gentile community. You see, it’s easier for Jewish parents to tell their children, “We Jews don’t celebrate Christmas” when there is a pleasant alternative, replete with just as much merriment, gifts, and decorations.
In answer to the question about Jewish believers celebrating Hanukkah — yes, many do. There is no contradiction between the two holidays, as they commemorate two entirely different events, both worthy of celebration. In fact, there are some interesting parallels to these two holidays ~

Fesitval of Lights ~

At our home, we decorate everywhere with white festive lights. One of the names for this holiday is the Fesitval of Lights. Yeshua (Jesus) is known as the Light of the World so we celebrate that. The front yard dons tiki torches that stand out boldly as our outside hanukiah. We stand as a family each night and use the ‘Servant Candle’ to light the others. Inside the house, we read the Hanukkah story and discuss the price that disiples have paid to uphold and guard the ways of the Torah throughout time. The story of Hanukkah shadows the forthcoming of the anti-Christ as one of the meanings of Antiochus Epiphanes is ‘God Manifest’ or ‘God Revealed’. Knowing that history repeats itself, we feel it important to impart the truth of scripture and history. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Another beautiful song of praise ~

Another beautiful song of worship

1. O sing to the LORD a new song: sing to the LORD, all the earth.
2. Sing to the LORD, bless his name; show forth his salvation from day to day.
3. Make clear his glory among those who do not worship Him, his wonders among all people.
4. For the LORD is great, and greatly to be praised: he is to be feared above all gods.
5. For all the gods of the nations are idols: but the LORD made the heavens.
6. Honour and majesty are before him: strength and beauty are in his holy place.
7. Give to the LORD, O you kindred people, give to the LORD glory and strength.
8. Give to the LORD the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come into his courts.
9. O worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness: fear before him, all the earth.
10. Say among those who do not worship Him that the LORD reigns: the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved: he shall judge the people righteously.
11. Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; let the sea roar, and the fulness of it.
12. Let the field be joyful, and all that is in it: then shall all the trees in the woods rejoice.
13. Before the LORD for he comes, for he comes to judge the earth: he shall judge the world with righteousness, and the people with his truth.


This is a beautiful song of worship to the LORD God, the writer of this psalm is not given. In this psalm both the earth and the world are to sing to the Lord and show forth his salvation. The earth is the creation, the oceans, the trees, the heavens, those things created by God in the beginning. 
The world are the people in the world, the nations, the governments, all the people. We who love the Lord are to speak to those who do not know him, or those who worship other gods, and tell them about his wonders of his creation, and his salvation through faith day to day.
Because the LORD is great, and he is to be praised, and feared above all (false) gods. Fear is a respectful fear of one who is over all. Verse 8 says that those who worship the Lord are to bring offerings and come into his holy place. This psalm was written before the Lord Jesus Christ was born, now our offerings would be prayers of praise and worship and the holy place is our access to Him through the shed precious blood of Jesus Christ.
We should tell the people who do not know him that the LORD reigns, and He is coming again to judge the earth in a holy, and truthful way, and then all his creation will be joyful too.

He is my God ~

Psalm 91
the Lord's protection over His own.
1. He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2. I will say of the LORD, He is my shelter and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
3, Surely he shall deliver you from the trap of the hunter, and from harmful diseases.
4. He shall cover you with his feathers, and under his wings shall you trust: his truth shall be your shield and your defense..
5. You shall not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flies by day.
6. Nor for the danger that walks in darkness, nor for the destruction that comes at noonday.
7. A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you.
8. Only with your eyes shall you behold and see the reward of the wicked.
9. Because you have made the LORD, which is my shelter, even the most High, your dwelling place..
10. There shall no evil come upon you, neither shall any plague come near your home.
11. For he shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.
12. They shall lift you up in their hands, to prevent you from stumbling.
13. You shall tread upon the lion and the snake, the young lion and the dragon shall you trample under foot.
14. Because he has set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he has known my name.
15. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him, and honour him.
16. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation.
This psalm speaks of the LORD's protection over those who have trusted him for salvation. The last three verses are the LORD speaking, and He is saying that because he (that is anyone that has trusted the LORD) loves the Lord, and placed his trust in Him, the LORD will deliver him from evil. The LORD will answer those who call upon him, the LORD will be with those who believe in Him when they are in trouble, and if it be His will, that person will have long life and the LORD will show them the joy of salvation.
Some of this psalm is like a picture. The LORD is pictured as a bird who hides her babies under her wings when danger threatens. Under her wings, her babies are sheltered. And we say that the LORD is our fortress (strength) he is "my God", that is personal, and we trust in him. The psalmist says his truth shall be our shield and buckler. That means the Word of God, the holy bible, is God's truth, and as we cling to its promises and teachings, it is our shield from the trials and dangers that come our way. Its truth will carry us through.
Because we trust in him he will deliver us from danger and we don't need to be frightened by any trouble, whether by night or by day. The LORD is able to protect His own through any time of trouble. If it be His will there shall be no evil come upon us, or any sickness to our home. But we must remember that it may also be His will to take us home to him, but in this psalm, it is about the LORD's divine protection.
The LORD will send his angels to be our protection in all our ways, they will keep us from danger, standing guard over us, even though we cannot see them. We just never know how many ways the angels have protected us from danger. Perhaps we can think about dangerous times, and maybe we wonder how we ever got through. It was because the angels, who are ministering spirits, protected us and carried us through.

Trusting The Lord ~

Psalm 112
The Blessings of the honest and just man.
1. Praise you the LORD, Blessed is the man that fears the LORD, that greatly delights in his commandments.
2. His children shall be mighty upon the earth: the children of the honest and just man shall be blessed.
3. His house shall prosper: and his righteousness will last for ever.
4. To the honest and just man, there is light in the darkness: he is full of grace, compassion, and holy in heart.
5. A good man shows kindness, and lends. He will guide his business judging right from wrong.
6. Surely he shall not be moved. The honest and just man shall be remembered forever.
7. He shall not be afraid of bad news because his heart is firmly trusting in the LORD.
8. His heart is set, he shall not be afraid, until he sees that which he desires come upon his enemies.
9. He has given to the poor, his righteousness sustains him for ever, he shall be raised with honour.
10. The wicked shall see, and be very unhappy, the desire of the wicked shall pass away.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

" A Course In Miracles "

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

― Marianne Williamson, Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles"

Our little gift ~

Then little children were brought to Jesus, that He might put His hands on them and pray; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. But He said, Leave the children alone! Allow the little ones to come to Me, and do not forbid or restrain or hinder them, for of such [as these] is the kingdom of heaven composed. And He put His hands upon them, and then went on His way. ~ Matthew 19: 13-15(Amp)

God's Grace

Your precious little girl
Is a blessing from the Lord,
A beautiful expression of God’s grace
And what His love is for
May she grow before the Lord
As His princess that she is
For she has come into the world
For such a time as this.
By M.S.Lowndes

May You Touch Dragonflies !

The merest glimmer ~

Happiness Sought ~

Be alert
Be vigilant
Be thankful
And be wise
Happiness is there
Before your eyes
The daintiest dance
The merest glimmer
A chink of light
A lustrous shimmer
A soulful note
The faintest cry
A song of love
A sweet reply
A tug on heartstrings
The utmost longing
A sigh of relief
A sense of belonging
The tiniest moment
The sweetest thought
A smile in your heart
Tis happiness caught!

Aliyah Grace ~

Aliyah means "Ascent".
Ascent- An act of moving up. To rise ...It means highly exalted  ~ You are a Child Of The King !

Stole My Heart ~

Oh, baby girl,
You stole my heart
I loved you from
The very start!
All dressed in pink
From head to toe
And hugging you
Makes my heart glow!

....Gogo xoxoxo