Sunday, March 17, 2013

'Joseph's Brothers Watch Their Father Mourn' - by

Honorable Mention: 'Joseph's Brothers Watch Their Father Mourn' - by
Yakov Azriel

"And Jacob rent his garments and put sackcloth on his loins, and mourned for his son [Joseph] many days. And all his sons and daughters rose up to comfort him; but he refused to be comforted, He said, 'For 1 will go down to my son in mourning to my grave.' And his father wept for him."
(Genesis 37:34-35)

He doesn't know that Joseph lives, a slave;
How can we tell him Joseph didn't die?
Father will go in mourning to his grave.
Because we laughed when Joseph begged we save
Him from the pit, we hear our father cry.
He doesn’t know that Joseph lives, a slave,
Deceit and sin have sealed him in a cave
As dark as hate; they are the reasons why
Father will go in mourning to his grave.
A sea of pit engulfs us, wave by wave,
When Father grieves he never said good-bye.
He doesn't know that Joseph lives, a slave.
Yet Father doesn't scream or rage or rave;
Instead, we hear and watch our father sigh.
Father will go in mourning to his grave,
Father has grown a beard he will not shave.
How can we tell him that we live a lie?
He doesn't know that Joseph lives, a slave.
Father will go in mourning to his grave.

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