Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Lord is my Rock and my Fortress and my Deliverer.

How awesome are Your works that my soul knows right well,
Your ways are past finding out.
Psalm 139:14
How is it… What I thought was a tragedy,You turned into triumph.
What I thought was the end, You turned into a new beginning.
What I thought was hopeless, You used to teach me to hope only in You.
What I thought would destroy me, In Your hands has brought genuine life.
When I thought my circumstances were out of control,
You pulled back the tapestry of my life to reveal Your Master craftsmanship at work. 
Lord Jesus, Your sovereignty rules over all,
You are my Mighty fortress, My Rock and High tower,
In You alone I trust and find refuge,
Let me never be ashamed.

How awesome are Your works that my soul knows right well,
Your ways are past finding out.
The Lord is my Rock and my Fortress and my Deliverer.
My God, my Rock, in Whom I take refuge.
Psalm 18:2 NASB
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But God

Such a small, insignificant phrase isn’t it?
But God…”
How many times have you and I passed over it, never realizing its impact?
After all, it’s tucked between words in such a casual manner.
Think of it…
Without them we are still in our sin…
Without them we are in a hopeless predicament.
Apart from them we have only despair as our bed pillow.
Consider for a moment with them…
What appears hopeless is suddenly brimming with hope.
What is impossible is now steeping with possibility.
What was death has blossomed into life.
What was certain and deserved judgment is transformed into mercy.
What was guilt is now grace.
Bondage and enslavement of every kind 
are exchanged for authentic freedom.
Search His Word and you will find these jewels:
You were by nature children of wrath, But God, being rich in mercy Ephesians. 2:4
They took Him [Jesus] down from the cross and lain Him in the tomb,
But God
raised Him from the deadActs 13;30
He was near death, But God had compassion on himPhilippians 2:27
You meant evil toward me But God meant it for good. Genesis 50:20
But God
showed His love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
Is there someone… something… some situation…
that has caused you to forget the impact of “But God?”

My flesh and my heart fail, But God is my Rock and my firm Strength.Psalm 73:26
Father God, Forgive our unbelief. You are so faithful, how could we ever think anything less? Enable us, Lord, to trust You even in the midst of great difficulty. Knowing that there is nothing beyond Your ability to fix, transform or use to Your glory. We love You!
In Jesus’ mighty name , Amen.

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