שהעולם יראה את התמונות מהמקום הזה. מקום שמפריד בין הטוב בעולם לרע בעולם. החלק הטוב זאת ישראל שמצילה את חייהם של נפגעי הטבח היומיומי שמתבצע בסוריה.
לעומת זאת, החלק הרע זאת איראן שמחמשת את מבצעי הטבח. זהו פרצופה האמיתי של איראן. כל הילדים שנפצעו, שלא לדבר על אלה שנהרגו, נפגעו כתוצאה מזה שאיראן מחמשת, מממנת ומדריכה את משטר אסד בטבח ההמוני שהוא עושה. אסור לעולם לשכוח זאת.
I visited today the base where people who have ...been wounded in the fighting in Syria are being treated. On the day when talks between the major powers and Iran are being opened in Vienna, it is important that the world sees the pictures from this place, which divides the good that is in the world from the bad.
The good part is that Israel is saving the lives of those who have been wounded in the daily slaughter that is being perpetrated in Syria. This is the true face of Israel. The bad part is that Iran is arming those who are carrying out the slaughter. This is the true face of Iran.
All of the children who have been injured, to say nothing of those who have been killed, were injured as a result of Iran's arming, financing and training the Assad regime in the massacres that it is perpetrating.
From here, I would like to tell the world, today, as the talks between the major powers and Iran are being resumed, that Iran has changed neither its aggressive policy nor its brutal character. Iran is continuing to support the Assad regime which is slaughtering its own people. This is the true face of Iran.
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